(The Picture is the very top one on the page.) As we looked at the menu which wasn't in English, you could pretty much tell what some of the items were. So I ordered cornflakes and a banana. Well, as they brought me my order this is what they brought me. Notice the size of my bowl and with no banana. They were out of the fruit. The next time I ordered cornflakes I ordered a small bowl. We would try different resturants thinking we were going to get a lot of the Mexican kind of foods I was way wrong nothing like it. I was kind of disappointed I might say. In this picture Seth and Paul were looking over the menu our first night in town. One thing I noticed about the Markets, they seem to know how to set up to make it look beautiful.Here I tried getting the woman carrying her purchases on her head. Inside one of the homes. Here are the men that made it all happen. And a job well done. Left to right, I am sorry I do not know how to spell the first name. He is the National Pastor. Then Eric Kuhns, Matt Thompson, Paul, Seth Kiser, and Adam. Yes, we have been home a while. It is still fresh in my mind. How God does work in His Time! Before I close this blog I would like to share one more thing with you. After we found out we were in Magnagua a few days with nothing to do. We did find ways of sharing with one an other, the Motel had a computer room so we weren't to far from home. Also some of us played word games. Thanks Louise for those game times we had. Some just sat and relaxed. Some it seemed they couldn't sit still. Well, as it was told we did go to some of the Malls, and the last day those of us that were staying on, had our last dinner together before meeting back home in the states, we were at this resturant, we were discussing our trip, and then Joy asked us in "one word", tell what you learned from this trip. Here are the words. I was thinking hard on what in the world could I say in one word? I had a good amount of time before it got to me, for she started at the other side of the table. So I was able to think a moment. The words were: 1. Children 2. Friendship 3. Miracles 4. Rest 5. Unity Looking at theese words, it came to me, as we prepared for this trip God was woking everything ahead of time. We came to work with the children. In doing that we needed that unity to make it work and that is what I felt we had. As we kept working together with the team we were able to also make new friendships. With the things that went on during this trip God was giving us miracles and we thank Him for that. As the week came to the end, God must of thought we needed to rest for we missed our flight and 6 of us stayed 2 & 3 days more. So we feel that God worked all things out together for them that love the Lord. We Praise Him for that. For when we got home there were so many things that several had faced the rest they got was what they needed. So what am trying to say is God knows what our future holds and so He does prepare the way for you. Are you in the place that he is able to help you? Draw close to Him and He will care for you.
~Nicaragua Trip is Finally Here! This dog is one of many that wandered around looking very hungry.
This one we called "Family Dollar"
This one we called their "Wal Mart". As the days went on each day we would have a Team Meeting which I enjoyed. We would hear how the Lord would help and gave insights of what was going to happen that day. I thought it was a well noted meeting in my thinking. Here was our little helper, Joseph Kuhns. Such a little cutie. A Missionary one day!
Then Mommy, Hannah Kuhns, was a great asset, she helped translate our songs and scripture verses for VBS. Plus she did some translating in the VBS during stories and songs. Helped us as we were greeted by different nationals. Great job Hannah, we really appreciate you very much. Thank you for all you help!
Louise did a great job with all that she did to make VBS happen too, she played her keychord, and she told stories, she had a great time working with the children as well. Thank you Louise for all you had a part in. I might ad here, that Louise was my roommate. So we had some good times in our room. I was able to get better aquainted with her. I enjoyed your company Louise thank you so much.
Our cooks for lunch were Carol Jones and Gwen Hobbs, they kept us set up with our lunches each day. They did such a wonderful job. Thank you girls for job well done.
Then there was Matt Thompson, he was such a fun guy to be around. He carried his backpack every where he went. So when anything came up and you needed something, you would mention it and he would have it. He was the coranater for the roofing project. Matt it was great working with you and thank you for being there when you were needed.
Here is Briann with her Mother, Carol Jones, enjoying what they decided on, I believe if my mind serves me correctly it was pork chops.
This was Seth's plate, it looks like he ordered some kind of steak, and french fries.
This is the first family to get their house roofed and done.
I had been asked to be the one who was to take pictures, though I wasn't the only one with a camera. I had stayed at the roofing sight a little longer then the rest of the ladies did, I had stayed behind to take pictures. This woman asked me in her own way so that I would understand what she was wanting me to do. She had fixed it so I could set down on the bench near her house. She left for a few minutes came back a few minutes later with several pictures in her hand and they were all framed. One was her daughter getting married. Another was of her and her husband, then one of her son who had died in a shooting. She tried telling me in her own way about each of the pictures. I tried my best to understand what she was telling me. I did get out of it, that it was her son that died, I made that out some what. But when Hannah came back I told her what I got out of it, Hannah asked the woman what the pictures were about. Her husband had also passed away.Then there are a few pictures taken of children on the site.
The front of the church building. Can you see anyone in this picture that you reconize?
Eric is leading a song in Spanish while Briann is helping by holding the song book. This is the VBS going on inside of the church, there were several that were outside looking in.
Here Matt was surrounded with "Love" of the children
Such beautiful children. These were taken along the road that the church is on.
This is the National Pastor and his family.
This gentleman playing the guitar, He walks over an hour to come to church.
I am sorry, I don't remember her name, this little girl that Joy is putting her arm around, the day that I was at the roofing area, she was being carried by her Grandmother which the dear little lady I was invited to sit on her bench by her house. This little girl had gotten her foot cut, she had stepped on a machetee. How that could happen I do not know, but we were able to get the right ones to clean it up for her. they did a real fantastic job. Great job guys, and gal.
Pictures taken Sunday!
These was taken on the road that the church is on.
This walled area is a cemetary way out in the sticks. We had to cross over a creek to continue and to do that we had to cross over on logs as you can see laying over the water, plus the ground was real mucky.
Sunday we also were able to go to a home in Santa Rosa to visit it. Here are the beans laying out in the sun to dry.
This is the home, it is a beautiful home. I am not sure who all lives in it now. I know the Mother and a daughter were there when we went in it.
As you can see why it was taken over you could see all around.
Inside the front door as we intered
These next few pictures are with things that are on the walls in the basement where the communist kept prisoners.
On the left is the Mother and on the right is the daughter to the Family that were taken out of the home when the Communist took the home over.
This is a truck that was used by the communist to my understanding.
After the Family were able to return to their home, they kept the coffee farm going. Here they are drying and harvesting coffee beans in the back of the home.
This is a wall that is in back of the house. Notice the broken glass on the top?
We were able to finally move on and went through the damages that were done on the streets. They said they were only letting some of the traffic through.
Yes, it is Joy they did not leave out when they thought they were. I could not tell why this time. But they were schedualed to leave that afternoon.
The driver took us on a scenic route,
Friday, March 13, 2009
Have you ever had one of those days where you want to go back to bed and start all over?
I know I have and working on this blog has been more then one of those days.
I don't know if the devil didn't want me to post them or what. I kept asking myself. Am I suppose to delete and forget about it. Well, I know that God was very interested in what we did while over in Nicaragua. So I know He wasn't trying to shut the door.
So here I am trying to finally get something here for all of you to see what we did.
But before I go any farther, I want to give "Thank Yous"
To those who helped support me and prayed for us while we were on this beautiful Mission Trip.
I know just two little words never really could say what I feel in my heart, to those who trusted me in God's plan. To think that you had a part in what took place every day of the
Thank you, We give God all the Glory for all He has done.
As we arrived in West Palm Beach Airport 8:00, we unloaded the backpacks getting them ready to get weighed in. As we went along Joy talked with the ticket agent, finding out that we were not able to take the two check on bags that we were told we could. They did give us a weight that we could take so we were able to take more then we thought we were going to be able too. From the 800 we were able to take 500, Praise the Lord!
In order to take them though we had to do some re-arranging bags and suitcases, the team had worked on that with the help of Bro. Jones. Thank you Bro. Jones.
After we did all the changing around with the backpacks we were praying that Seth Kiser would make the connection. For he was meeting us and his plane was do in at one time and our plane was do to leave before he was to arrive. Well, of course we all know when God is in it. We Praise God for it did work out we did make connections, just as we were boarding. Praise the Lord again God was in control. Praise His Name!
It is a good thing we got to the airport when we did, for when we got done what needed to be done, we had to load the plane.
We finally arrived in Magnagua, Nicaragua around 1:30 AM. Our Host Missionaries Eric and Hannah Kuhns and their son Joseph, met us with open arms. They had brought with them two Nationals from their church, Paul, and Adam. They asked us if we wanted to find a place to stay there in Magnagua or go to our home away from home for the night. We decided to go to our Home Away from Home. 3-4 hours away in the beautiful mountains. We arrived and found our room at the Motel and then collapsed for a couple of hours.
Our beautiful Hotel, in Ocota, Nicaragua.
Here are some of us getting our nourishment for the day. Starting from the left
of course me, then Gwen Hobbs, Louise Crouse and then our dear Leader Joy Budensic.
While the others were finishing their breakfast I decided to go outside and take some pictures.
The Motel was one of them. This one with the young boy carrying the wood is another. This is one of the many ways they transported their wood. Other ways were with a wheel barrel, a donkey, a truck or even something that looks like a three wheel bike. They call Taxi, you will hear more about them later.
I might say as I was going outside for some reason the curb and sidewalk seem to come up to my chin. I had gone inside to see if they were ready, for we were getting ready to
walk to town which we were staying on the outskirt of. I mentioned how my eyes were really bothering me. Louise mentioned how hers was too, she said it was probably our sugar, so I thought yes, that is what it was. So Louise and I were starting out we realized the other women weren't with us yet. So we stopped and just kind of waited. Then she mention to me she said" maybe we have each others glasses on" so we switched sure enough we did. It was so funny we just laughed it. I wondered when I had gone to get my glasses when I was ready to put them on that morning why they were in a different spot then where I had put them. That was one of my stories I am sure if you ask anyone on the team to tell a story they could tell you one of their own too.
This is one of the many intersections, through town.
If you look closely on the left, there is two donkeys.
We had been walking awhile, some of us decided we were thirsty.
We stopped at a store that happen to sell Pepsi, so I got a diet then realizing as we were paying for it we couldn't take it with us, they said they would put it in a plastic bag with a straw. So this is the way I drank my Pepsi. You saw hundreds of the plastic bags with the straws in them laying on the ground. Don't worry I took care of my plastic bag and straw.
As we walked along, we seen a lot of different types of stores and little vending areas like the one here.
When we arrived the first morning, we were able to put all the backpacks in a activity room they had. They let us put our materials in there as well, for VBS.
Looks like Seth is on top of it, doesn't it? I so enjoyed working with him and the others as the week went along. Seth did a great job in the things that he did to do his part on this trip. Thank you Seth, great job.
This room is also where we held our meetings.
Pictures from the left to the right.
Seth Kiser, Joy Budensic, Our Host Missionary, Eric Kuhns, Matt Thompson, Carol Jones,
Louise Crouse, and Gwen Hobbs, the missing from the picture was not quite in the picture was Briann Jones, sorry Briann. There will be more pictures of her
Here are the two that made each day happen. They so worked well together.
I enjoyed working with them as well. Great job done Joy and Eric, if it wasn't for them
our team would not have been complete. Thank you, Joy and Eric!
Here we all are.
If you remember earlier that when you read the menus you could kind of make out what they were saying. Louise and I saw this dish and we said we would order one and split it. But guess what? Our laungage barrier got in the way, for we each recieved one this is what they looked like.
Left right, mash potatoes, steak and the golden colored round things were a kind of banana that was sliced and fried. I didn't care for them, then the white squares were a kind of cheese, they serve. Which I didn't care for either.
As we walked one day I had taken some pictures of children.
You know when I mentioned the three wheel taxi?
Here it is. We ladies decided to get four of them and two of us on each one. The only way they would take us is if they got paid by the hour. So we got to ride around town for an hour on one. But unknown to Carol and I she was my taxi partner. We found out at one point while riding that the guy who was peddling us actually got off and was pushing us for awhile. We felt so bad. Carol said, "he is going to get a good tip". We had a great time going around town and actually seeing the beautiful mountains and shops and things. One of the things that we did on that ride they took us to a Farmers Market, it was really neat. The next few pictures show you some of what we saw.
They also had markets on the streets of town.
This was part of the "Wal Mart" that we liked. The yellow trucks were made out of wood, they were asking $5.00 for them.
Then it was time to get serious and be prepared for our first VBS that first evening. We held it outside on someones front yard.
This was a grapefruit tree, I had one given to me later and I ate it for part of my breakfast the next morning, it was so good. Oh to go out in the back yard to get some grapefruit well I guess some of you in Florida are able to do that. We don't have any kind of fruit tree in our yard.
Then one of the afternoons Joy mentioned to the National Pastor that she wanted to see the Mayor he told her he didn't think anyone was in the offices that day.
While we were out and about that day Joy wanted to drive by the Mayors office. So we did and it looked like the offices were open, so she went inside, came back out and told us to come in. So we all went in and we found out the man she wanted to see was not there, who was the Mayor at that time. But they were in transition, and the new up coming Mayor was in, so they invited us all into a room where he was. Through Hannah, Joy was able to share with him why we were there. He welcomed us and he said that we had 4 more years with him. Joy was so excited. And we want to Praise the Lord for the 4 more years welcome.
Here we are holding our first VBS, this is me, telling my story of White, White the little white lamb. Eric translated for me. He did such a wonderful job. This was my first time talking through an interpater. It went a lot better then I was really expecting.
You may be wondering what the lettering on the wall might be...
I think it was in the 1980's, they had a war that went on. On the very place we held the VBS here, 128 men gave their lives in the fight. Can you imagine it, right where we were sitting. Now God has given us the opportunity to give His Gospel out to the boys and girls.
After each night of VBS, we would hand the backpacks out. They so loved them. We enjoyed handing them out. Watching their faces they at first would not know what to think.
Here the children are after recieving their backpacks our first night.
This I guess was our head quarters during the day and where we would eat our lunch.
The dear lady, Flora, gave the church the property which is built on in her back yard.
This ladies husband is Catholic. He was really a nice gentlman. Actually their property is a coffee farm.
Here are the ladies taking it easy on Flora's beautiful porch outside. It was just down the street from Flora's farm that the men were doing the roofs
Here below are some of the pictures of the roofing project.
These are little faces that are getting a new roof on their house.
This is what some of the roofs looked like before the men put the new ones on.
This is the first house to have a new roof put on.
As I was up on the hill to take this picture, I happen to turn around and this is what I saw...
It is their bathroom.
I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
This is inside one of the houses, this is what the beds look like, that is if they have one.
The next few pictures are of the men working on the roofs.
Love the smile on the Mother's face.
Here is Briann doing what she loved doing. Working with the children. The next few pictures are of the VBS at the church.
This was a little church that was somewhat out in the boonies, hardly any vehicals are there.
this is where our third VBS was held.
Such a beautiful family.
Here is Louise playing her keychord.
Matt preached a beautiful message Sunday night.
Great job Matt.
Sunday night I had the honor to pray with this woman who gave her life back over to Jesus. The plaque she is holding is one we made at Dr. Palms as one of the projects we worked on, and then she gives them to Missionaries to use. We took several to pass out while we were in Nicaragua.
Saturday at one point most of the team went on a trek that was a two hour walk one way, it is a little area where as far as we know, no others have ever been. The team was welcomed with open arms. They had Joy's Book "Jesus Loves Me" that she wrote, which is one of the items placed in the backpacks. They had Adam read the book to the children in their language with Joy looking on. They have a picture of it but sorry to say I wasn't there to catch that moment.
Then there was another trek on Sunday afternoon that one I attemped, it was suppose to be a half hour trek, thought I could handle that. So went on our journey onto the path.
In the 1980's this home was taken over by communist,
It is another coffee farm.
Here Joy is coming out of the basement.
We were so glad that we had this opportunity to see this home and to know the History of it was very interesting to know.
Sunday Evening Bro. Matt Thompson preached a great message as was said earlier.
Then Monday morning after breakfast, Bro. Eric took those of us that have not been in Hondorus, for a trip over the boarder so that we could say we were there. We did a little shopping and then when we returned the rest of the team were ready and we started heading to the Airport to catch our flight home to the USA.
It was again a four hour drive, but this time we could see the beauty that God had created because if you remember when we arrived it was very dark out.
Then about a half hour before we were to enter Magnagua Airport the traffic came to a complete stop. We sat there not moving for quite some time by this time it was late afternoon. So we just sat there. Concerned about our flight, for now it was okay cause our flight isn't do out until I believe it was 1:20 or there abouts. Then someone came by and told us there was a Protest just about a half mile down the road. They were burning tires and there were a couple of gun shots I guess someone was killed during this demanstration. We sat there on the highway for 8 hours yep, 8 hours over the night hours. With God with us we had no concerns, or worries. We knew we were going to miss our flight by this time. So different ones decided they would try to catch some sleep while waiting. They probably won't like these but it was what it was.
So we finally arrived at the airport and after being there a bit found out there were no flights out, or they were full. So there was a Motel across the street from the airport. So we decided we all needed some rest, so then went and got ourselves rooms to do just that. But little did some of us know that it would be our home for a few more days. Carol and Briann were able to get a flight on another that morning, she had some kind of pass for another airline. So they were the only ones that got out that day.
By the time of this writting you all probably know what all that had took place.
This is the Motel we stayed in
Below is where I stayed along with Louise.
Here is a couple of views of courts around the Motel.
Those who were still in Magnagua decided to venture out seens we had nothing else to do. We got a taxi to take us to a Mall or two.
This guy was taken at the Mall, their Christmas decorations were still up when we were there. The Malls were a lot like ours. Food courts and childrens play areas. One of them had a neat train to ride on around the Mall. Of all the different types of stores.
About three days after we had been back in Magnagua, Gwen and Seth had a flight out in the morning so they had gone and then a couple of hours later here come Gwen and Seth. There was to much weight and I guess the freight had presidence over the ticket holders. Then I don't know what happen but Seth was finally able to leave.
Then I believe the next morning which would be Thursday, Gwen and Joy were to leave. So we didn't hurry around Matt was in his room and we just took our time getting around. We finally met up with Matt for breakfast, deciding on what to do. When we finished breakfast we went back to our rooms. I decided to go out and about and take pictures and that is when I got those of the courts. I was walking towards the lobby later and this is what I saw, totally surprised...
So it is Matt, Louise and I left. We got a taxi and we were wanting to go to a lake that had a volcano in the middle of it. So we told the driver, you know what he did? He took us on a little tour of some history it was really neat. I do have pictures but as you can see to many pictures.
He took us to a historical park, and the scenery was all around us. Looking over the city and all that we could see. It was beautiful. He took us to an area where they had a eating area and they had actual straw looking tops above the picnic tables they looked like grass huts. There was an area where boats loaded and unloaded. Also it was an area where you could get on a Ferry to go on a I believe it was a 4 hour cruise. Also the area is where we could see the volcano. As you look you can see it behind Matt and Louise. And also below. The volcano is the one that is on the right of the two taller hills. It was so beautiful on this trip.
The most beautiful thing that I saw on this trip was when I had the opportunity to see the young lady giving her heart back to Jesus. Seeing boys and girls giving their hearts to Jesus. My whole desire is to help winning souls for Jesus and even if my part was just a little thing on this trip I believe God's will was accomplished this trip. Four more years welcomed to the area that was God. Us being there to help the little girl who stepped on the machette. So many other things that God was in we want to Praise Him for all things. I thank the Lord for His Goodness and His plans for our lives.
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