(The picture above of Ethan 8, Evan 7, and Easton 4 1/2,
was taken before performing in the
"Singing Christmas Tree"
where they and Grandma decorated
a tree at the opening of the program.)
I pray you all had a wonderful Christmas.
We sure did, though we did miss our little guys.
We did celebrate with them on December 12,
they left on the 18th for Arizonia.
The real CELEBRATION that I want to mention here,
is the Birth of my Lord and Savior,
Jesus Christ. He was born to save us from my sins.
To think that he was born in a manger.
Think about it, what would you have done?
They stopped at the Inn where they thought they would stay
and there was no room for them at the Inn.
I heard a story about a woman who was with child, she was all alone,
out where there was no one there to help her.
She started to walk to the closes town
which was a distance away.
She had quite a ways to go and
she realized that she wasn't going to make it.
She thought, what would she do?
She found the closes place to lay down.
She did just that and
she realized she didn't have anything to wrap the baby in,
so she started taking off her things,
making sure that the baby was going to be warm.
The baby came, and she wrapped him in her clothing.
She made sure that the baby was comfortable,
and curled up with him in her arms.
The next morning someone had come from the nearest town and
found her. She was naked curled up around the baby
who was still as warm as could be and just as much alive,
because she gave her life for him.
That is what our Savior has done for us,
gave his life for us and our sins.
Baby Jesus came to earth,To save us all from sin.
Have you opened up your heart,
And let the Lord Jesus In?
(This Nativity Setting was made by our youngest Grandson, Easton Trey.
He made it in his K-4 class isn't it adorable?
He left it at Grandma's, so Grandma is claiming it, at least for now). LOL.
This picture of snowmen here with the sled makes me think of when we were growing up as kids. We use to go sliding, and skating a lot. Our father always made sure that we were taken care of. He would at times take us to, then, it was called Johnson Park, in Grandville, Michigan, or near there. One year he made us a sled, it was kind of scary to me. It was kind of square made out of plywood, the bottom he made so that the front curved up, there were sides on it then a seat to set on. The bottom he put sheet metal on it, so that it would slide. It was pretty cool, but I was afraid of it. I might have gone down the big hill with it once. Though I know my Father would not endanger us in any way. I was just afraid of it. He also would make ice skating ponds in our back yard. It was so much fun. I would be out all by myself and I would just fly across the ice just like a pro would. Pretending to be one I guess. Heehee.I guess the snowmen that you will be seeing are a thought of yester years, as a child. Loving the snow and making the snow angles, the snowmen. Snowmen did you say? Well I guess you will see a few on here. And believe it or not I didn't even put them all out.
This is what you would see coming in out main door. Off to the right as you enter.
I use to work at a fabric store, and I was able to get a lot of things for a good price. We also sold other things besides fabrics. The snowman you see hanging on the floor lamp is one of those items. But the blue blanket and pillow, and the snowmen pillows I made thanks to Hancock Fabrics. It is a wonderful store. It is a nationwide store. But the two that were near us had closed down. So missed the store. That is how I was able to make my Grandsons birthday gifts, halloween costumes, I made them ahead of time displayed them then they were mine. Great way to Christmas shop. It was really! 
The dishes you see in the cabinet, our daughter Rebecca bought those for me several years ago. The bottom shelf, center, the Snowman Family my God Child, my Great Nephew, Joey and his Mother gave me for Christmas a few years ago. The green bowl with a lid, that you see on the bottom shelf, right of the snowman family, I have to admit I fought for last year at out Sunday School Class Party. We played a game we each got to pick a gift then unwrap it,but then when our number is called we get to pick from anyones giftSo different one's would try and take it.But guess what I ended up with it. Believe it or not I did the same thing this year too, I started out with a Cracker Barrel Gift Card, anda bag of sugar free Turtles.
On the second shelf in the middle, Rebecca gave me a few years ago,it is a frosted tree with two snowmen that are skating around it. Another yester year memory. The base of it has a switch to turn a light on so it lights up and changes different colors.I am sure some of you recongnize the heart hanging. That is a heart that some passed out at the "Singing Christmas Tree".
As you enter our place as you walk in the door, on the left this is what you would see. The snowman near the poinsettas, I made out of scraps of fabric.It started out being a tree topper.It is now topping my father in laws walking cane that we got when he passed on.
The Quilted wall hanging that you see here, my Mother made it for me for my birthday a few years ago.
The hanging ordament on the left,is a Grandpa and Grandma Bear, Grandma Bear is hanging unto a baby. It is a ordament from Ethan his first Christmas to us. Thank you Ethan, that was 8 years ago. You sure are growing up fast.
The Window pane wall hanging is a special deal at a Garage Sale. You really can find neat things sometimes at those sales.
Well, we won't go there. Hee hee!
This little guy was given to me this year,it is from our youngest Grandson,
Easton Trey.
He was so excited to give it to me.
He had given me another gift a day or so earlier,
He had come home from school where
he bought it.
He wanted to give it to right then. So I opened it.
It was a two little snowmen figurine.
I didn't get a chance to get a pic. sorry!
Thank you though,
Grandma loves them.
Easton, He attends K-4
at Hobe Sound Christian Academy,
the same school his brothers attend, in Hobe Sound, Florida.
You turn this door knob,you will enter the Guest Room.
In the photo frame is a picture of the boys and I three Christmases ago.
We had supper with Santa.
The blue sled on the right side I had
painted several years ago.
The wall hanging in this picture, Was entered in a Contest in 1984.
In the Grand Rapids Press,
Grand Rapids, Michigan.
We didn't win the contest,
but we enjoyed trying.
It was a Family Effort.
The girls gather all the materials,
I put it all together.
Jim delivered it.
We have some freinds, Wes and Linda Foster and thier family,
that had entered it a few years before,
and won it each time.
Correct me if I am wrong but I believe they won it 3 years.
Next is the Master Bedroom, I love snowmen as you can see.
The one laying on the pillow on the right,
he is a snoring one,
every move you make it set him off to snoring.
Needless to say I don't keep him on the bed when sleeping.
Every time you would move he would go off.

The snowman on the right lights up and changes colors.It is really pretty at night time when the lights are out.
The one on the left of the lamp I made.
The picture frame is a picture of Ethan and Evan.
The little box is a note paper holder, with a pencil.
I believe that our second Grandson,
Evan gave that to me a couple of years ago.
Oh, no I can't forget the few I have in the bathroom. Heehee!It is usually a lot more.
This is Becky's Tree, along with her Nativity.
Here is the Snowman that lights up again.
He is helping by saying
"Merry CHRISTmas"
to you, and remember the
~ Real Reason For The Season~
The video below is the actual fire that was going for us.
Listen to it crackle.
There is Christmas music in the background too.
I pray that all are well,
and that each of you are blessed this
Christmas Season.
Have A Blessed New Years!
From All Of Us Here,
To All Of You!