Thursday, January 3, 2008

New Years Eve Service
Ruth the boys and I attended the New Years Eve Service Monday Evening.
It was a Music Concert of many different people from the church.
Just to name a few, for lack of not knowing some of the people.
The Fullers, The Vernons, The Finney's, Brent Vernon on the piano.
The Loopers, and so many that I am not familiar with.

The boys were so excited for this night to get here.
Well, maybe

I am not sure what Easton was waiting on.
He held out through the whole program.
Then once the service was dismissed we all headed over to the
cafeteria, where we played games and they served pizza,
we all furnished the drinks and desserts.
Here is Ethan and Evan looking on as they wait their turn
I was actually playing with them I was red,
and if I remember correctly I was ahead before
we quit to eat our pizza. Of course this game "Sorry"!
Is my favorite game.

I think Evan was making sure he was doing it right!

Hey! Becky, Jim and Bro. and Sis. Sickmiller check out

the sweatshirt. Well, we couldn't be chosers if they

want to play a game with you.

Sorry! Jim and Becky. I know the Michigan (teams) Rock.

By his smile he must have did something right.

Believe it or not Easton did not take a nap today

and he is still going strong.

Mommy is so tired after working all day.

Easton needed his energy drink I guess!
What do you think? Is it catching up with him. (Easton)
The Huff's had brought a DVD player with them
and it caught Easton's attention.
I don't know what do you think is Brianna going to make it?

Easton enjoyed the DVD the short time he sat there.

Thank You Huff Family for letting Easton enjoy the DVD
the short time he did set there.
I believe it was 2:00 AM when we got home.
Evan said as he was walking into the house I am going
right upstairs and get in my bed.


Anonymous said...

looks like everyone had a fun night...I had to work :(
by the way... you are NEVER bothering me..and as far as eating w/you are more than welcome..lunch price is $4.00.
Call me..if I can't answer right away...I will return your call.
Hope you have a wonderful day!

becky said...

Wow I did not know you guys did all that. Makes me tired just thinking about it. Looks like you all had fun. I bet Eastons was going strong the whole time. LOL
Yea, thanks for pointing out that team sweatshirt, that was nice of you. You are right though, Michigan Rocks!! GO BLUE!!!! Love ya mom, see you in a week.