Monday, June 23, 2008

A Couple Pictures of the Two Boys!

Here they are doing their 20 minutes of reading at Grandpa and Grandma's.
Saturday we had Evan and Easton for awhile. Mommy had Ethan for some one on one time with him. While they were out they had stopped at some Garage Sales,
She stopped at one, it was some freinds of ours from Michingan that had moved down here a little bit before we did. They were having a sale, and their boys had some things out. One thing was a beginners guitar. The boys are wanting to take guitar this fall, when they start school again. They have the lessons right at school.
So she was able to buy that guitar. Great buy too!
When she came to get the other two boys she had brought it in to show them, so I caught these pictures. I was thinking of my Uncle Roger, he plays a lot of guitar. So I wanted to make sure I posted these so he could see them. Hello to you Aunt Lois too.
Thank you for stopping by.


Anonymous said...

so very cute eileen!i can't believe how the oldest one look so much like your husband!

Anonymous said...

well, i have never been one to like animals other than cats cause i guess i don't like the fact that dogs depend on you so much. cats could care less. but i did that as a favor to a friend and im glad i did cause she's a great litttle dog and so cute.

i am sad to see her go. but hey listen to this sad story. my boss ran over her own 8 year old dog in the drive way yesterday and almost killed it. she feels so bad.