Women of Worth
This is where the ladies of the church meet
This was the Kickoff for the season.
We have a lot of fun, I really had a great time last night.
Tuesday, October 13, 09.
The Theme for the evening,
Circle of Friends!
Great subject. Sister Ruth Vernon, share with us the workers for the new year.
They have several things that you can participate in.
To name some:
1. Secret Sister's
(This is where you exchange your name, then
you get someone else's name, they don't know you
have them. Through out the time you send them encouraging notes, cards, gifts. What ever, they are trying to guess who you are. But you do to try and keep it a secret, then at the end of the season of WOW, they will reveal).
2. Sunshine Basket
This is where ladies turn in small wrapped gifts, to be placed in a basket. The basket is taken to someone that needs some encouragement. They open a gift a day. I recieved one of these baskets when I had my surgery. It was so much fun to have a gift to open each day. You even get something from someone maybe you don't know. That is really neat. I want to say "Thank You" to those that participated in that for me. It was up such an uplift. Thank you!
3. There are prayer groups
The ladies will meet together for prayer for the children.
4. Bible Studies
~ Either wanting to hold one in your home.
Or attending one.
5. Only One Lighted Candle!
This is where ladies meet together in Dr.Connie Palm's
and we work on things to make for the Mission Field's. It might be things for VBS, or someone that is sick. There are many things that the things are made for.
Then at WOW last night we also played a game which was really neat.
The Speaker of the night :
Sister Kristina Black
She was a wonderful speaker. Thank you Kristina, beautifully done. On Cicle Of Friends.
Below are some pictures that were taken at one of the tables. I had forgot my camera, so I am borrowing their pictures.
Can you see circles in this picture?
More circles!
Then here are some cookies, circles with circles on them, plus a "friend."
More circles, these lifesavers were spread all around the dessert table. They did have other kinds of foods, like meatballs (circles), veggies and dip. Cheese and crackers, (more circles).
Then at the end of the evening, we had a "Circle of Prayer", at each table all the ladies at their table stood and held hands and had prayer. It was beautiful I thought.
Thank you Sister Vernon, and the ladies who were all envolved to make it what it was to make it all fall into place. It was a beautiful evening.
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