Field Trip with Evan
Thursday, the day after I arrived in Florida I went to Evan's
school field trip.
It was to the Missionary Flight's International
They left the school in the church bus,
it is like a Greyhound.
They really thought it was cool.
They even had a DVD player.
They played the video The Candy cane Legion.
that is one of my favorite stories.
The picture below is Evan on the bus.
He doesn't look like he is enjoying it does it? Does it?

Looking from Evan's seat,his teacher standing
Mrs. Deckard.
Great teacher. Thank you Mrs. Deckard for all your
hard work with the children. Behind Mrs. Deckard,
is Mr. Martin, our tour guide.
Here they are getting ready to go inside the building.We met up with Mr. Martin who works with the Flight
He was our tour guide.
On the way to the door there was a little creek that we passed and
Mr. Martin showed us a baby alligator in that creek.
It doesn't look like a baby, but it was, it was hard to see.
But once I did found it, here it is. To show you.
Here the class is inside and in the lounge waiting to view a
They shared with us a little about the services that
Flight International gives.
Here is the Post Office for the Missionaries
The boxes you see here are waiting to be taken to children. They are Christmas gifts if I remember right they said that there were
two flights that had already left for that day.
So it was three times this many
boxes. That morning.
This plane is being worked on, the wing on the other side is completely off.
Looking at this picture, you see the wing is off.We were told the reason that they had to take the wing off
was because of salt water carotid on the wing,
so they had to replace that part.
While they had the wing off they checked out everything else
to see that everything is okay.
Here is Evan trying out a watering hose on the main firetruckon that airport.
Evan is just a little short don't you think?
Here Evan gets to see what happens inside the truck.
I don't think is enjoying it do you?
He got to try on the gear that the firemen wear.He would make a cute fireman wouldn't he?
Showing the children water coming out one of the hoses.
Here is the whole crew.The fireman sorry to say I do not remember his name. He was very good with the children we want to Thank Himfor sharing with us about the emergency part of this part of this program.
This is inside the main hanger of the airport.
We couldn't believe how clean it was.
This is where they ate lunch.
As you see below.

Of course I had to get a picture of this.
Those of you in the north can you believe it, they had grilled hot dogs,
with chips, cookies, and cupcakes
along with a Capri juice.
In the semi circle are the parents and grandparents that went with the group. Among them are the Home room Mother's
that put this together.
We want to thank you for your hard work.
Thank you,
Well, this is the end of our show for you.
They actually ended up back at school.
Then were dismissed for the rest of the day!
Thank you for all those that had part putting this trip
And thank you Flight International for having us.
Thank you Mr. Martin for the information that we learned on this trip.
~Ethan's Christmas Party~
The pictures below is Ethan's Christmas party.
You in the north take note.
A hammock can you believe it at a Christmas party.

Petting a goat
Waiting to open thier gifts.
Here is Ethan with his Christmas gifts.Not happy is he?