Thursday, March 29, 2007

Things I did while in Florida

One of the reasons I went to Florida
was to help care for the boys.
Ethan the oldest was in school.
Evan was in pre- scahool and went
with Mommy to work,
for she worked in a Dare Care near the
school Ethan attends.
The pictures here are of Easton,
the one above,
we were at the park.
He kept running under this palm tree
where the branch was hanging low.
He was having so much fun he wouldn't
let me take the picture.
I think he was playing with me.
I finally caught him a moment.
Yes, I got it.
Isn't he cute under the palm branch?
And yes it was that chilly to wear a jacket.

I am not sure what he was pointing at,
the shadows maybe?

This picture isn't good quality again sorry!
I took it at chapel the last Friday there.

1 comment:

becky said...

I just love that pix of Easton. I had not seen it untill the other day. He looks so sweet there. Thanks for putting pix on your blog. I enjoy seeing them. Have a good day!